Can wearable technology help the healthcare sector prepare for the unexpected?

Thanks to advances in smart phone technology coinciding with gym closures caused by lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic, smart watches and alternative wearable health devices transitioned from something of a “novelty toy” to an important aspect of everyday life. Depending on the device, model, and manufacturer, these devices have the capability to measure blood pressure, […]

How to tender in the healthcare supply market

Medical equipment

The Healthcare Sector, particularly in the UK, is awash with some of the most lucrative contract opportunities available. Did you know that the NHS, which accounts for 80 per cent of total healthcare spend, is associated with £27 billion worth of annual spend? The beauty of fulfilling public sector contracts, especially if we consider hospital […]

Supply chain inefficiencies in healthcare and why data is the solution

One small abrasion to the supply chain link and the effects can be felt for years to come. A stark reminder of this came in 2021 when the Suez Canal blockade resulted in global losses of more than $9.6 billion a day. When we think that the NHS spends approximately £27 billion every year on […]

What you need to know about the UK and Global healthcare market

Image of Ambulance

The latest UK and Global Healthcare Market report from Health Contracts International (HCI) is now available, providing suppliers with an insight into the trends and opportunities expected to be seen in 2022 and beyond, both in the UK healthcare sector and overseas. Here is a quick breakdown of the main points covered in more depth […]

Top tips for winning health contracts

Healthcare contracts image

Winning public sector contracts in the healthcare sector can be extremely lucrative for suppliers, but there will be plenty of competition to stay ahead of, and some potentially complex and time-consuming processes to run through to secure health contracts. With this in mind, here are some tips to help you rise above your competitors and […]

Current trends and opportunities in the UK healthcare marketplace

Healthcare solutions image

The NHS accounts for around 80% of all healthcare spending in the UK and spends around £27 billion every year on goods and services, and with recent Government announcements of increased investment in the NHS in the years to come, there is no sign that the NHS will remain anything other than the key market […]

What do NHS net zero targets mean for healthcare suppliers?

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The meeting of envoys for the COP26 conference has pushed green targets and the climate change agenda to the forefront of everyone’s mind, including NHS suppliers. Government agencies, private companies and individuals have all been moved to look after our planet and join the journey to net zero. The NHS and health services will play […]

Types of Healthcare Contracts and NHS Tenders You Can Win

NHS Supply Chain Vehicle Image

The NHS spends around £27 billion every year on healthcare tenders – but they don’t just purchase pharmaceuticals and medical equipment. As one of the biggest employers in the world, the NHS requires a huge infrastructure to maintain its operations with thousands of NHS contracts and NHS tenders up for grabs. Therefore, they are always […]

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